Saturday 30 April 2011

Here are some tips you can do to reduce the occurrence of hair loss:
* Eat nutritious foods, especially a lot of protein and iron. Protein is essential for the growth of organs including the hair. The main source of protein derived from fish, eggs, nuts, yogurt, soy and others.
* Avoid stress because stress will disrupt the body's metabolism that impact to the hair as well.
* Stay away from drugs that can disrupt hair growth.
* Be diligent exercise. Get regular exercise will facilitate the circulation of blood including blood circulation in the scalp which will nourish the hair.
* In addition to diligent exercise, adequate rest so that your hair growth is more optimal
 * Stop smoking, reduce caffeine consumption. Both these substances are not good for your hair.
 * Avoid using too hot water when shampooing and also avoid using the hair dryer too often. Dry your hair with a towel and her just-aired in the open air.
 * Protect your scalp from direct sunlight.
 * Choose to use a good herbal shampoo, do not use a shampoo made ​​of chemicals that are not clear.
* your hair comb your hair gently while still in a state of somewhat wet.
* Reduce the use of hair gel, cream, hair oil, hair dye and hair spray. Use products made ​​from natural ingredients.
* When you shave hair, barber sarankanlah you use a sharp scissors.
* Avoid the habit of pulling hair pulled with no apparent reason.

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